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Worldwide Sanatana Dharma Community
Yogis for Peace
Calendar Veda Loka
13 September
2024 year

5121 years of Kali Yuga,
28th Mahayuga
7th Manvantara
The era of Manu Vaivasvata
boar Kalpa
first day of 51 years
of the great
Advaitavadini Giri


Advaitavadini Giri (born 1984) – purna sannyasi, 4.2 level of education, has been practicing as a monk since 2007.

Advaithavadini Giri did one yearly retreat, many short retreats from 6 months to 3 days, several dark retreats. She specializes in the practices of anuttara tantra, as well as the spiritual supervision of students who are preparing to embark on the path of sannyas (monasticism).

Since 2013, with the blessing of the Guru, she has been holding meetings, classes, seminars, lectures, webinars, retreats in the Siddha tradition in different cities of Russia, Europe and Asia, spreading the Advaita teaching in the Siddha tradition.

She is also an organizer and communicator in the field of interreligious and interfaith meetings in Russia and Europe. In 2014, she organized a big tour of Europe, where she met with the most prominent leaders of Hinduism: Germany, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, France, Poland, Belarus. In 2015, meetings were held with representatives of Hinduism from Indonesia and Malaysia. Since 2022 curator of the Yoga for Peace movement.

In the period from 2016 - 2019 – she was the Mahant of "Chitra Amrita Ashram", "Mauna Ashram".

In 2019, the ceremony of entry into the International Order of Advaita named after Shankaracharya was held.

Since 2020, she has been a Vidyeshwar (Dharma Holder – retreat, spiritual, ethical mentor) and Vidyadhar (Head of the Educational Process at WOSM), as well as a Mahant of the Vidya Sagara Ashram. Since 2022 she has been the Mahant of Guru Sthana (Residence of Guru Swami Vishnudevanand Giri).

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/advaitavadinigiri/

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZLPJ8RwdP-RBIKlniBNt0g

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/advaitavadini/

Telegram-канал - https://t.me/+xa7lxeV0A5pmYjQy

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Contacts of "Worldwide Sanatana Dharma Community":
Omkar +380684188899 (Telegram, Viber, Whatsapp)
