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Worldwide Sanatana Dharma Community
Yogis for Peace
Calendar Veda Loka
13 September
2024 year

5121 years of Kali Yuga,
28th Mahayuga
7th Manvantara
The era of Manu Vaivasvata
boar Kalpa
first day of 51 years
of the great
Worldwide Sanatana Dharma Community / World Community / Regulations on Arruppadai
Regulations on Arruppadai

Regulations on the association of selfless ministers

and voluntary disseminators of the doctrine

among lay disciples of the World Community of Sanatan Dharma

1. The ideological program "Arruppadai"

~ all-round contribution to the implementation of the universal humanistic renaissance – the "Great Transition" to the immortal God-manhood of the peoples of Russia and all mankind into a new sublime spiritual dimension – "pure vision", "pure lands", the state of "Enlightenment", "Immortality", harmony, prosperity and happiness , on the basis of respect for any manifestations of spirituality, any religions, cultures, and for each person as a "God-man", that is, the principles formulated in the program text of Swami Vishnudevananda Giri "Message to Humanity of the Third Millennium";

~ serving the universal forces of Enlightenment for the benefit of all mankind through the implementation of plans and projects of the World Community of Sanatana Dharma, the Monastery "Collection of Secrets" and "Divya Loka" based on the principles of sacred connection (samaya), "pure vision", "divine pride";

~ voluntary and selfless service to the lofty ideals of the spiritual revival of Russia and the whole world, "Universal Enlightenment", "Great Transition" through the spread of the doctrine of non-dual awareness within any religion, culture or spiritual teaching;

~ popularization of the teachings of Laya Yoga of the Siddhas, a new spiritual consciousness and sacred relationships, the principle of awareness as the unity of all religions, the principles of "immortality", "natural state", "pure vision", etc.

~ all-round support and dissemination of the Teachings about "Universal Enlightenment", "Great Transition", "Universal Immortality" by the methods of Laya Yoga in the CIS countries and around the world.

2. Arruppadai program objectives

The association of selfless servants and voluntary disseminators of the teachings (“Arruppadai”) is created with the blessing of Swami Vishnudevananda Giri (Swami Vishnu Deva) by his students – under the auspices of the Sanatana Dharma World Community for the practical implementation of global projects, such as:

  • "Universal Enlightenment"

  • "Great Transition"

  • "The Pure Land of Divya Loka"

  • "Dharma centers for the laity"

  • “108 Temples of the Unity of All Religions”,

etc. by the means and efforts of lay students who wish to voluntarily and disinterestedly contribute to the implementation of these projects.

Practical implementation within the framework of the World Community of Sanatana Dharma for the benefit of all mankind of advanced technologies such as Prakrita Siddhi, Yoga Nidra, Five Steps to Immortality, etc.

Voluntary and disinterested assistance to all projects of the World Community of Sanatana Dharma in the transfer of the Monastery "Collection of Secrets".

All-round promotion of the spread, strengthening and prosperity of the Dharma in the CIS.

3. Rights and responsibilities of Arruppadai members

  • Rights:

Each member of Arruppadai has the right to:

~ take a part in the discussion and implementation of all projects that the World Community of Sanatan Dharma is engaged in in the CIS and around the world;

~ Arruppadai members can independently lead any projects related to the spread of the Dharma in the CIS or beyond;

~ receive financial support from Dharma centers, "Chintamani";

~ establish and lead public and other organizations, foundations, publishing houses, enterprises on behalf of or under the auspices of the World Community of Sanatan Dharma using its symbols, texts, materials, etc.

~ each member of "Arruppadai" has the right to participate in voting when deciding on priorities in service, distribution of financial resources for the implementation of projects of the Sanatana Dharma World Community.

  • Responsibility:

As samaya disciples, Arruppadai members bear personal, independent, moral responsibility to the Guru and the Community each for their service to the ideals of Laya Yoga and contribution to the work of the Sanatana Dharma World Community.

4. Organizational structure of Arruppadai

"Arrupadai" is created from groups of lay students who want to join it in each Dharma center at the local community of Sanatana Dharma.

Arruppadai is generally divided into two main lines: "selfless servants" and "voluntary distributors".

  • "Selfless Servants"

Those of the disciples who are engaged in selfless service related to the creation of Dharma centers, retreat centers, organizational issues, issues of provision, etc.

  • "Volunteer distributors"

Those who have received the blessing spread the teachings in various ways to: show video lectures, publish books, distribute books through a network of spiritual stores, place advertisements, translate sutras, develop websites on the Internet, conduct yoga classes for beginners, organize seminars, meetings with the Guru and monks.

5. Arruppadai Coordinating Council (Coordinators Council):

The Council of Coordinators is created at the stage when the regional Associations have gained strength and need to be coordinated, it is not leading, but "softly coordinating" and regulating the interaction of all members of "Arruppadai" among themselves, with "Chintamani", with the Monastic Council in order to effectively implement all projects of the World Community of Sanatana Dharma.

  • Chairman of the Council – develops the strategy and tactics of Arruppadai.

  • Vice Chairman – directly coordinates and implements the implementation of Arruppadai's plans.

  • Coordinator of the Council – carries out communication between members of the Council, with the Monastic Council, with the Chintamani Council, representative functions, negotiations, etc.

  • Assistant Secretary of the Council – keeps records, reports, receipts and movements of funds in Arruppadai, etc.

Only members of the World Community of Sanatana Dharma students and candidate disciples can be elected to the Arruppadai Council of Coordinators.

6. Frequency of meetings of the Board of Coordinators

It is established at the general meeting, but not less than once a month.

At the meetings of the Council, the progress of implementation is discussed, in particular, the dissemination of the teachings and the implementation of the projects "The Great Transition", "Divya Loka", "Dharma Centers", "Translations of Siddha Creations", "Yoga Nidra", "Prakrita Siddhi", etc..

7. Leadership of the Arruppadai Board of Coordinators

Elected for a period of one to three years by open vote at the general meeting of Arruppadai or appointed by the Guru.

8. Arruppadai International Headquarters

Determined: (at he discretion of the Council of Coordinators).

9. Membership in Arruppadai.

Membership in Arruppadai is based on a generally accepted structure:

~ pupils;

~ candidates;

~ followers;

~ the worldly members of Arruppadai who are not members of the Sanatana Dharma community, i.e. those who wish to volunteer to serve the lofty ideals of Universal Enlightenment and participate in the implementation of global projects of the Sanatana Dharma community (in this case, they can join Arruppadai on the recommendation of authoritative disciples of Arruppadai members).

Every student, candidate, follower of the teachings of Laya Yoga in the tradition of the Monastery "Collection of Secrets" (in special cases, an ordinary layman) can be a member of Arruppadai, who wishes to selflessly and voluntarily serve the lofty ideals of "Universal Enlightenment", "Great Transition", promote prosperity Dharma, who is able and willing to voluntarily and disinterestedly provide personal organizational, financial, material and any other support to the projects of the Sanatana Dharma World Community.

11. Withdrawal from membership

It is carried out at will on the basis of a personal statement, or a member of Arruppadai may be expelled by Arruppadai by decision of the general meeting or the Council of Coordinators in case of loss of real contact with Arruppadai (for more than three months without a good reason).

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Contacts of "Worldwide Sanatana Dharma Community":
Omkar +380684188899 (Telegram, Viber, Whatsapp)
